An Explosion of Creativity
by Ron Chester ★ Tuesday, August 9, 2022

I received my first two quarterly issues of Sprat in the mail from the UK, that is the two journals for the first half of 2022. I am verrry impressed by the quality; lots of short articles describing projects by individual members, very hands-on with many interesting results.  The members are obviously very creative, actively building their own projects, and not arm chair appliance operators. This appeals to me a lot at this stage in my life.  

The most recent issue (Sprat 191) features a four page article, plus the cover photo, about a full featured five band HF 20W CW/SSB software defined transceiver with high resolution spectrum and waterfall displays. The designers have written a 404 page book which introduces the basics of Software Defined Radio (SDR) and Digital Signal Processing (DSP) principles into a single, readable book which uses their newly designed transceiver as a hands-on project to build a great radio. This book is an echo of the Rutledge textbook on radio that used the Norcal 40A QRP radio kit that was produced by the Northern California QRP Club. The radio is fully open source and is called the T41-EP. The T41 name is based upon the Teensy 4.1 microprocessor which is the brains of the machine and EP stands for Experimenters Platform.  

It gets better. The outstanding Four State QRP Group has announced that it is working on producing a full kit for this transceiver, with a tentative selling price of $320.  This reminds me of the days when Elecraft first announced their ground breaking Elecraft K2 QRP transceiver kit.  That kit produced an outstanding radio that was snapped up and built by hams all over the world. I expect there will be a new wave of enthusiastic builders for the T41-EP.