Computer Controlled HF Rigs
by Ron Chester ★ Friday, July 15, 2022

On Tuesday I ordered a new laptop to be used in my ham station, for rig control, logging, blogging and anything else I need to do.  It's the slimmest, brightest & lightest laptop Samsung has ever produced, first released at the beginning of April 2022.  So it's the latest & greatest. It should arrive today and I'm anxiously waiting for the mailman to arrive.

The first software I will install on the machine is N4PY Software, which is very powerful software designed and supported by Carl Moreschi, a retired IBM engineer.  When I was using many Ten Tec rigs, I would often see him posting on the support website for Ten Tec equipment. I will be able to use his software to control the following radios that I own. He has a reputation for providing fast and excellent  support for his software.

I will be able to use his software with the following radios that I own.

Many of these rigs can also be paired with other rigs on the list as sub-receivers and/or as dual receive radios.  Those with an * are rigs that I've acquired this year during my buying binge on the classified ads.