Creating the Future
by Ron Chester ★ Sunday, January 30, 2022

Some Ham Radio Goals

  • Master CW as a skill, comfortable at 30-35 wpm and able to run stations.
  • Get very active in POTA & SOTA, as both activator & hunter/chaser.
  • Get active in making a lot of SKCC QSO's. as well as in QRP activities of all kinds.
  • Get The CW Machine in service and learn to use it. 
  • Start making RTTY QSO's, even in some contests.
  • Get Viking Valiant & Collins 51J-4 receiver working on 160m often.
  • Start making 6m, VHF & UHF QSO's.
  • Make a complete database of all my ham gear, with full documentation for each.
  • Build a lot of my ham radio kits, including my Heathkit HW-16 transceiver.
  • Get DXCC certificate for both K9AGL and W6AZ, as well as WAC & WAS for W6AZ.
  • Establish a regular practice of QSO's with my original Elmer.
  • Succeed in restoring some gear, such as DX-20, Hammarlund receiver and novice rigs.
  • Get good working antennas up for all ham bands, as well as for portable ops.
  • Get a good station working in Thailand, able to be operated remotely from the US.