It's time to get back to more regular blogging.
I'll start with a short one, a note about a half-price sale on four books about DXing. I've had the oldest of those four books for decades, but I'll buy it again as I don't have the latest edition. The Complete DX’er by W9KNI changed my ham radio life forever when I first read it. It was clear from the very beginning that this guy knew how to work DX. The writer grew up in Cedar Rapids, Iowa as a family friend to Art Collins; yes, the founder of Collins Radio. Collins was the first mentor that Bob Locher, that writer, ever had in his life. Pretty good start, right? And Locher ended up writing the most popular book ever written on DXing, with over 26.000 copies in print. I am looking forward to reading the new third edition. I read the book the first time in 1983, not too long after I bought my Icom 751, the one and only commercial HF radio I ever bought brand new. I have no recollection of how I found out about the book, but I was always very glad I did.
This time I will buy all four of those books on sale, four for forty bucks is a great deal.